Official Blog


Posted on December 28, 2016

Ayurveda or the “Science of Life” advocates that diet forms an important part of our body’s well-being. What you put in your body determines how it functions. The right food in the right measure at the right time is what keeps your body going.

Women have different nutritional needs when compared to men. Their bodies and supplementation requirements have to be attended to differently. These requirements vary depending on the stage of life. It is a fact that most women now juggling their family and work responsibilities tend to neglect their health, often unknowingly. Some effects of their poor diet might be seen immediately, like fatigue, hairloss, lack of stamina, dull skin, among others. And some effects will be long-term, like osteoporosis, anaemia, heart disease and so on.

A woman’s body gears up for pregnancy in the years running up to her reproductive age. It stores up fat and nutrients, and builds muscles to prepare the body. For this, appropriate food should be taken. During pregnancy, women need a larger supply of proteins, irons and other nutrients to nourish the foetus and her body. Calcium will be depleted during pregnancy if the body does not replenish it. Calcium storage should begin at an early age to have a healthy bone mass and should be continued throughout a woman’s productive years. This is because calcium absorption reduces as she ages. Therefore, calcium should be taken through various sources like milk, eggs, pulses, meat and fish as part of her daily diet to prevent osteoporosis at a later stage in life. Women also require a steady amount of iron in their diet as they menstruate and lose iron through blood.

Ayurveda advocates balancing Vata, Kapha and Pitha doshas in the body for overall wellness. Eating the right foods to even out imbalances will help you return to your healthy self. Of course, the general guidelines laid down by Ayurveda apply to all. They include, eat when you are hungry and eat at regular intervals, do not engage in any other activity while eating, sit down to eat, eat warm fresh meals, eat slowly and pay attention to the signals you body send you when you feel satiated, avoid combinations of food that might upset your digestion and cause bloating.

Include whole grains and pulses in your diet for energy and proteins. They also provide the necessary dietary fibre along with minerals and vitamins. Vegetable and fruits should be taken in plenty particularly leafy vegetables that provide iron. Milk, eggs, meat and fish should be taken to increase calcium and protein. Chyawanprash is very nutritive, contains Amla which is iron rich and several medicinal herbs.

Supplement your daily meals with nutritious and flavourful additions, making your meals more enjoyable. Sanjeevanam’s Natural Health Mix is one such product that can integrate into your meal well. It contains the goodness of various grains and pulses, providing important nutrients fortify your body and build immunity. What’s more, it does not contain artificial colours or flavours and is 100% natural. You can add this to your porridge, rotis, or dishes like dosa and appam.